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Early-stage tech companies require experienced and highly strategic executive leaders but often lack the capital or the need to bring someone in full-time.

Our Fractional Leader practice, connects carefully vetted, and highly qualified leaders with scaling companies that are facing very specific challenges and opportunities. 

These Fractional Leaders deliver proven solutions, level up growing teams, expand networks and accelerate the success of a young company. Fractional Leaders can close a skill or experience gap in an executive team, without the cost or risk of a full-time executive.

We’ve built relationships with a roster of many of Canada's most experienced leaders, many of whom are ready and eager to support startup and growth-stage companies: Whether it be coaching, hands-on support, levelling up teams, strategy, or all of the above.  

Contact us to learn more about how to add a fractional leader to your team, or to become part of our Fractional Exec Roster!

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